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Warrior Bride banner


Charlotte Leonard, November 6, 2020, 9:59 a.m.


The Father is raising up His enforcers upon the earth. The Father is raising up enforcers of His rule. They are those that are known in heaven and rule on the earth.


Mothers being called up to the front lines.

I'm calling my true Queens.

These are true mothers in the SPIRIT.

He is giving those true queens HIS acclaim.

Because these true queens have kept their own houses clean you will now clean the HOUSES in this nation the senate and the house of Representatives.


This house cleaning will reveal the JUDAS in the house.

Father is using HIS Mary's/Esthers to clean these houses.

The Lord says,

“If you have kept yourself IN JESUS, clean and pure I will raise you up to prophecy to the nations.”


As we have washed His feet with our tears of repentance- intercession He will wash this nation of corruption.


I will lasso the enemy by his feet!

It will reveal what truly is. Those that have been sent as an interloper, they're exposed. My light, my fragrance, my true queens, my Esthers will arise at this time.

The Esthers are revealing the interloper in this hour. They will dig, excavate, unearth things that have been hidden.

The JIG is up!

The Lord God YAHWEH -King of kings and Lord of lords-is the supreme rule of this court.


You will see my Mothers arise. The Marriam, Elizabeth, Deborah, Esther, Anna, Huldah, Mary, Abigail, Zipporah. These are my true queens because they have kept their house clean.


I heard this phrase during the night many years ago: There’s a band of mighty warriors seated at the throne, they are taking up their armor …known and to be known!!

God is calling the Bride up! Arise my beloved…come away with me!”


Spending that time early in the mornings with Jesus mantles us! He covers us as brides! He’s equipping US for the “MORE” yet to come.

It is the: “to be known” armor, that we will bear in the days ahead! Banner makers, equippers, and worshippers can sense eminent danger in the Spirit realm in dreams, and vision, therefore God gives them an altar on fire to press in through prayer, praise, and worship!

Alters are established so people can come up!

Banners lead you THERE!

Banners lead you up!

Do you know why you’re drawn to God’s altar when you wave your banners? It’s because Moses built an altar and named it the Lord our Banner!

Ex 17:15 Moses built an altar and called its name the LORD our Banner.

Why are we seeing nation flags flying on news networks daily? It’s because God is aligning nations for his END-TIMES!

In the coming days, we as banner makers must see clear! God wants to give us answers to problems! When lifting up a banner, that you’ve been given, to war with, by the Spirit, you’ve been given a governmental tool in warfare! Stand on the land he’s given you and fight!!! It’s your JOY tassels ( fingers/ hands lifted), your twirl, your jump, your shout. The vision you were given of that specific banner, that breaks the power of the enemy, don’t stop !


There’s so much more to come!!

Warrior Bride Banner for those who keep their house clean


Banners can be exchanged if dissatisfied with a $30.00 restocking fee

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