Raised Praise World Wide Banners
Hello from Raised Praise Banners!
Selling banners, as I do, I have been asked this one question more often than any other, and that is, what does it mean to use a banner in a church assembly?
My first beginnings with banners started back in ‘95. This pair came With No assembly required!! No adjustments- very compact. Travel was easy! I didn’t even have to ask anyone if I could use them, and they were always a blessing to those standing by me. They even had ten little tassels at the ends. Have you figured it out yet? I pull them out, at night, when I pray. Yep, they are my hands! Raised Arms in Praise! Our arms are a living symbol of praise. They are your Rods of authority! Your Victory beams! Your celebration banners! They are my joy branches spread out giving Him honor! It’s my crown lifted!
They can be a living witness for you, or against you. You see, if you’re not responsible to know, what that pair, freely given to you, is, how can you use a pair of fabric banners that you perhaps had to buy? You’ll only go as deep as the responsibility you carry, and you’ll only "carry" the portion God has stabilized and held firmly in place.
John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.
The young, hungry newborns are found in the highlands of God. We are kept hydrated under His wing. Our spices bear sweet perfumes. In this upstream (headwaters) source of the living springs we drink! Men's hearts are drawn there. When we praise Him on the high hills, and highlands we give JESUS a drink of living water!
Our Praise is LIVING WATER!
Charlotte Jean Todd Leonard
713 Cottonwood Drive
Starkville, Ms 39759​​
But I personally have heard about you, that you are able to give interpretations and solve difficult problems. Now if you are able to read the inscription and make its interpretation known to me, you will be clothed with purple and wear a necklace of gold around your neck, and you will have authority as the third ruler in the kingdom.
Daniel 5:16
Purple denotes wisdom and Blue denotes understanding.
This is my homemade worship created from a special pen from my heart to yours. You have given me a source to put my feelings on. Thank you Lord for the life of the silk worm. She is an offering of silk for me to express my feelings towards you. I offer this also to others. I offer the same experience to them. We take up the silk worms, offering of silk to our hands. I place my silk paint upon it. I place my brush on her and paint the dance of love. Thank you Lord for creating such a pattern. Thank you Lord for giving me a gift such as silk banners that I might, but just a little, convey my feeling and give an offering back to you. My name is Liberty!