My Testimony Chpt THREE | raisedpraisebanners
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Fragrant Praise
My Testimony
Chapter THREE


Most people don't know this, but I suffer from dyslexia.

I never saw myself as someone who could teach, or write. But the Lord began to deal with me through "ministry of praise and worship."

I don't have a singing voice. I've never played an instrument, and yet as a born-again Christian, I felt the Lord pulling me, calling me to open my mouth and speak.

I argued with Him saying, "Everything that is coming out of my mouth is nothing but terrible." I've been with the Lord for over 30 years. At the beginning of my walk with Him, there were a lot of questions and doubts.

Long story short, The Lord used The ministry of praise and worship to open my eyes to His language of HOLY SPIRIT!

The beginning of that ministry was for me to form the ability to understand what it meant to have a tongue that spoke and to have eyes that were single.

To have the ability to have open, translucent, and brilliant eyes, was having my gaze fixed on him!


 It gave a new understanding to His statement, "You are the apple of my eye", and he started to show me His gate, His road!

Ephesians, says that our eyes should be enlightened, in Luke, our eyes should be like a lamp or a light.

And it even says that we are to have open eyes. 

In 2 Kings and Acts, it talks about opened eyes, so, when you look at Jesus 'garment, it's like a single piece of fabric with no seam.

He wouldn't let me go!

He kept fixing his eyes on me. 

Proverbs 4:25

Let your eyes look directly ahead, and let your gaze be fixed straight ahead.

 Eventually, I was like, "Okay, you know, if you have your eyes fixed on me then I'm supposed to have eyes fixed on you."

The funny thing about dyslexia is, it causes you to be distracted by many things, especially noises. To concentrate, I have to find a quiet area to study.


During my early walk with the Lord, he began to speak to me about banners.

It was as if he said, it's not about banners, but I'm using 'it' to reveal something more." 

He was telling me that the banner represented my tongue.

It represented the tongue of a ready writer.

It represented the rudder that was in my mouth, that directs me and directs my path.

It talks about that in James 3 and 4.

You know..... it talks about how our tongues preserve us!

We are to have salty tongues!

And they are also to be lifted!


 Our tongues are to be lifted because to praise the Lord we have to open our mouths and then lift our tongues.

And even to the point of our tongues being straight like a path.

And our eyes are supposed to be straight like a path too.

Our eyes are supposed to be straight because it says "Straight is the gate and wide is the road that leads to God's kingdom!

You enter by the straight gate and the narrow road. He says, "Make your eyes straight."

Let your eyes look directly ahead, and let your gaze be fixed straight ahead."


Stuttering Moses ought his first battle with a rod in his hand!

God said to us: "Keep looking straight ahead!"

Isaiah 5

I planted a vineyard on a fertile hill.

If our mouth is full of bitterness and cursing we are not lifting him!

 God uses the banner to reveal himself as (Jehovah Nissi) our banner!

Psalm 66:17

I cried unto him with my mouth, and he was extolled with my tongue.

Psalm 119: 171

May my tongue sing of your word for all your commands are righteous.

Our tongues are supposed to be lifted in praise as a banner is lifted!

In conclusion-​

If he has your tongue He has your whole body!

What is a banner but a Holy Alter raised - leading the whole body as an army!


May our tongues be moistened by your praise! Let our tongues not cleave to the roof of our mouth.

But let this tongue continue to extoll and magnify the Lord as a banner magnifies the whole! 

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